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It starts with a great domain name

What makes a good domain name?

A good domain, like your business name, reinforces your brand values, provides a competitive edge, should be easy to remember, differentiates you from competitors and can even help increase traffic to your website.

By picking a simple and memorable domain name that focuses on your brand highlights you will be able to reap rewards in the form of traffic, purchases, recommendations and clicks. Additionally, registering a domain that matches your business name added credibility and respectability to the website, important in a day and age of security concerns.

Should I register more than one domain name?

Your domain name is your unique website address and forms your company's online identity and brand, allowing people to find you quickly and easily.

By registering multiple extensions you are protecting your domain name and the brand equity you are building. By stopping a competitor from registering similar domains you will not only protect your online identify but also increase traffic to your website with forwarding keyword domain names to your website.

What domain name extension is best for geographic targeting?

The market you are targeting is often influenced by the domain extension, both in your local Google ranking and instilling trust.

A local search in Google will often return local domains before international ones, for example searching in Australia you will more likely return an Australian domain name like .com.au or .net.au higher than an international one like .co.uk.

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